My One Word for 2015

So my friend Laurie turned me on to One Word. The idea is to choose one word - just one little word - to be your focus for the coming year. (Read her post about the word she chose here.)

It sounds easy, but choosing that one word requires a great deal of honest reflection and planning. What IS it that you need to work on most in the coming year to reach your goals? To know that word, you need to have a clear idea of where you want to go and where you are right now.

I've been turning it over in my head this last week, even trying on several words for size. None seemed to fit exactly. My first word was Invest because if I want my business to grow I need to start investing. Not necessarily in terms of cash, but my intellect and my energy. But that word seemed a little cold to me. Then I tried on Hustle and then Push - both as motivators to keep from procrastinating when things get tough. But those words seemed a little narrow in focus. It's one thing to push through, but WHAT you push yourself to do matters more. Investing from all angles is important in business, that is why if you do need an injection of cash into your business, you can look into Robinhood Aktie kaufen, also known as buying Robinhood shares, to see how that can help you cash revenue and give you a solid base in which you can build on. Some people even invest using digital currency that no-one can even see or hold, although it still works very much the same as regular currency, in principle. Those who are looking to invest cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, will still need to check for Bitcoin Evolution Erfahrungen reviews to help them choose the perfect trading platform so they can start investing. No matter what, an investment of any kind, whether that be monetary (in any currency) or emotional, will always be important.

I was talking with my husband the other night.... okay really it was me giving him a rundown of what I've done on my blog and why I'm doing it, more of a justification to myself of why I'm spending so much time writing posts for this blog. Why spend time building a PDF pattern of the kitty softie when I could be spending that time drafting a pattern, right? But the place I'm in right now requires that I build on many fronts all at once. Build my blog (with free patterns and posts that maybe no one is even reading?), build my social networks, build my skills, build my patterns.

And that's my word.

My One Word for 2015
My One Word for 2015

That's what I need to do this year. Build, build, build.

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