Quick way to clean up your threads and tiny scraps
It's been a few week sins my last post. Man, life got busy all of a sudden! But I'm here today to show you my new favorite way to clean up the stray threads and bits left on my sewing table after a project.
After Christmas my daughter and I stopped into Container Stire and saw their stocking stuffers were half off. Container Store stocking stuffers are already kind of a weakness for me. And half off... We HAD to stop and see what we could find.
And what we found was this desk top vacuum - that looks like a ladybug! Isn't he the cutest!!
And while I brought him home from the store because he was just so dang cute, I found out the other day that he's also quite handy at cleaning up the little bits on my sewing table and cutting mat. You know, those bits of thread and tiny scraps that always end up scattered over your table after a good sewing session.
See how quickly this little vacuum makes them go away!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN_C9QMYURE]
So after I show you that awesome video, now I get to tell you that they are no longer available from Container Store. Waaaaaaah!!
But the happy news is that you can still buy them from Amazon. Here's a link to one I found. This is NOT an affiliate link. I've never actually purchased from them so I can make no statement about their customer service or quality, but it looks to be the same as the one I found at Container Store.