Easter Egg Faux Marquee Cookie Booth Sign

Easter has come and gone, and those plastic Easter eggs have all been opened up and emptied of their treats.  What to do with all those plastic eggs?  I have an idea for you.

But first, some background.

I'm a Girl Scout troop leader to a group of amazing, creative, caring, energetic Cadettes.  For those not in the know, that's grades 6-8.  Earlier this year, our troop represented Russia in  a World Thinking Day Taster's Tea.  We created a bunch of (very) faux Faberge style eggs to give out to people who visited our table.  They were basically just plastic eggs with sticky gems around the middle.  Cute, and cheap.

The only problem was, the event was in February and Easter eggs hadn't hit the stores yet.  So we had to order them.  On Amazon, we had a choice of getting 75 eggs for $12 or 500 eggs for the same $12.  Guess which ones we got?  We will be doing Easter egg crafts until the girls graduate high school.

So when it came time to decorate our cookie booth, of course we had to use some of those eggs.

We used some of them to create a faux marquee sign for our booth.  It was super easy and inexpensive, too.  We made this for our cookie booth, but this would also make cute signs for any occasion.

Sorry for the poor photo quality.  I snapped a couple of quick photos during the meeting, with plans to get a better picture of it later.  But, cookie season. Nuff said.

In case it's not super obvious from the photo, I'll give you the quick and dirty on how we made  it.

We bought a stretch canvas from Michael's.  They were on sale and I was able to find the size I wanted for less than $5.  Then we cut and Mod Podged the letters to spell COOKIES.  I cut them with my Silhouette but you could also just paint the letters.

Then, we took just the bottom half of a bunch of eggs and glued them around the edge using a hot glue gun.  The bottom of the eggs are more rounded and look more like lights. We used all yellow eggs but of course you could mix up the colors if you prefer.

I let the girls do all the work.  The eggs are not as evenly spaced as my OCD nature would prefer, and the letters are a little bubbled here and there, but from a distance no one will notice.  AND because it's made on a stretch canvas, we can use it again year after year!


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