A post 4 months in the making

This post has taken me 4 months to write. It's not because I'm covering a particularly controversial or complex topic, and I'm not sharing a deep dark secret.

Or perhaps I am.

Here's the deal:

After years of blogging about others' sewing blogs and pattern businesses, I'm starting one of my own. Orange Bettie is the name I've chosen for my new little baby.

I've been working on this in spurts and starts for 6 months now. Gah, has it really been that long? 4 months ago, I decided I should go ahead and start a blog and started looking into web design, hosting providers, etc. on sites like 28msec. I'll need one anyway once my patterns go live, so why not start it now? But the thought of starting the blog was scary, a little too real, so I kept putting off writing this first post.

And then there's my vanity. I have no logo. (I do have one in the works, but it's not finished.) I don't have a blog design or color scheme that matches my branding. I am still grading my first pattern. I have not even started working on instructions or building the PDF. There's a very big part of me that wants to hold everything close to the chest until it's all ready to go. I've still yet to grow my online presence too, especially when it comes to my instagram followers. As it's so easy to post images and videos on Instagram, I know this is one platform that I want to use alongside my blog and help build my brand. Initially, while designing my logo, I might be a bit confused as too what should be in the artwork. But I believe that once I begin seeing the logo from the lens of branding and face value, I could resort to a much simpler design. Furthermore, I have seen tons of other works (like the ones from these graphic designers in St Louis) on the Internet, which could give me a lot of ideas and inspiration for my final design.

I believe a more interesting blog would let the reader in on the process - the challenges, the victories, the boneheaded mistakes. I'll also share some crafty posts with how-to's, pattern reviews, and the like. There will probably also be posts about my child because parenting a tween is frustrating and hilarious and sweet as heck.

I'll write about it all on this WordPress site that's still under construction. While I wish that the process could be sped up, I don't want to rush such an important feature for my website. I knew I should've checked out this YouTube channel here to go about doing it myself because I doubt it would've taken this long but then again, it might've done. I'm definitely excited about seeing what the final product will look like because this is my future blogging experience at stake here, so maybe it's better that it's going to be taking a bit longer. I'll keep you updated anyway...

I hope you'll join me on this journey.

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  • Catherine Johnson says:

    Birth that baby! Glad to see you up and running.

  • Valeriewabisabi says:

    Thank you Anne! I'm having the exact same feelings about starting my blog! You are so right-just go ahead and do it. I'll be following you!

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