Oh, hi! It's so nice to see you!!!

A good friend recently referred to me as “a whirlwind.”  She knows me well.  My life indeed is a whirlwind.  I’m a mother to an active tween girl (tween girls are INSANE, by the way!), a sewist and a creative type, a blogger, a Girl Scout troop leader.  I’ve also been called a Crazy Cat Lady, and I’d have to say that’s an appropriate label, too.  We have 5 cats living in our house, all of them black cats and all spoiled rotten.  I am the Queen of Unflattering Selfies and a hoarder of craft supplies.  I’m always loving to find new ways to use up even the tiniest of my scraps.

My philosophy is that any day I don’t go to bed tired is a day I haven’t lived to its fullest potential.  You see those white streaks in my hair?  They're not gray hairs - they're SPARKLE.  Housework happens in those rare moments when I’m not pursuing a flash of creative genius or soaking in some together-time with my daughter.

Orange Bettie is where I share my sewing and crafting adventures.  I'll freely admit I like showing off the things I make, but my joy comes from showing others how they themselves can be creative, when they're able to say, "Wow, I MADE that!"  That's gold.

The name Orange Bettie is homage to my grandmother, a woman who spent her life making magic out of making do, a teacher and a creative soul.  She is my muse and my hero.

I also blog about sewing at Craft Gossip.  If you want daily sewing project inspiration and tutorials, follow me there:  http://sewing.craftgossip.com

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  • debycoles says:

    Hi Anne, Good luck with your site and your pattern plans - how exciting! You get to see a lot of inspiration in your work with Craft Gossip so I know its going to be amazing.

    • anneweaver1974 says:

      Thank you Deby! It is slow going sometimes juggling this with Craft Gossip and mama duties, but I'm determined to see this through! --Anne

    • Angela Fall ??????? says:

      I have only had a quick peek at this site & I’m sure I’m going to be visiting it on a regular basis. Just love the relaxed way everything is set out. Thank you for letting me join Orange Bettie

      • Orange Bettie says:

        Thanks so much!!!

  • Denise Felton says:

    I'm so thrilled to see this blog take off! Go, Anne!

  • Kris Van Allen says:

    I love the life lived by "making magic out of make do!"

  • Alisha Schultze says:

    Hi Anne,
    I am a new follower and I look forward to seeing your new projects. I already shared some of your FB posts on my page: https://Facebook.com/craftybrooklynarmywife
    Take care,

  • Stacy Claxton says:

    Hi, I fell inlove with your pattern for plaid tote purse. But no matter what I do I have been unable to print up the pattern and instructions. I even made a new gmail up because I couldn’t remember my passer for my old one. I will look you up on fb and ig. Thank you for putting it together and offering free so newbys like me can create. [email protected]

    • Orange Bettie says:

      I'm not sure why you're not able to download the pattern. You should just be able to click the words "free pattern" in the materials list and it will load a PDF of the pattern. From there you can print or download the pattern to your computer. Hope this helps! --Anne

  • Terri Womack says:

    Hi MIss Bettie,
    Came to your blog by looking for pussy hats. Love the pattern and instructions. I had trouble printing from the link - kept getting the message that it didn't exist at that location - finally I just downloaded it (no problems with that) and then printed it. Was strange because clearly the pattern was there - I was looking at it - one never knows what is going on at Google headquarters.
    Thanks for the pattern and the wonderful ideas.

    • Orange Bettie says:

      Thanks so much!! I'm happy you like the pussy hat pattern!! --Anne

  • barbara says:

    je souhaiterais vous suivre

  • Linda Tansil says:

    I just made your Sudsy Bunny soap bags. Thanks so much for sharing your patterns. The only thing I changed is that I didn't cut out the terry ears until after I sewed the pink ears to the big piece of terry cloth. So much easier than trying to draw on terry cloth for me. I am making them for my Bible class kids and some senior ladies where I volunteer.
