Large Christmas Stocking to Hang on a Door - Free Sewing Pattern
Use my free pattern to sew a large Christmas stocking you can hang on your door - or hang by the chimney to fill with Christmas treats!
This large Christmas stocking is perfect to hang on a door! At 26” long it’s big enough to be seen from a distance but not so large it covers the entire door. Fill it with festive Christmas greenery – and maybe a small toy!
I’ve got a free pattern and tutorial for you below.

Love sewing Christmas decor? I’ve also got a free pattern for a pretty Fabric and Felt Holly Wreath here.
I made the stocking from a traditional red and white print, and gave it a fluffy faux fur cuff. It’s lined so you can put greenery in there and the ends of the branches won’t poke through.

The lining also makes it nice enough to use inside the house as a regular stocking. The larger size is great for folks who like to do bigger stocking gifts!

I used an outdoor fabric for the main stocking. Makes sense because it’s going to be outside, right? Well, all of those synthetic fibers meant that I couldn’t iron the fabric. Not even with a pressing cloth and a low setting! Which was really annoying because there was an ugly crease from the bolt in the middle of the fabric. Since I couldn't iron it, I had to cut around it.
So unless you plan on this stocking being directly out in the elements, I’d suggest just using a home décor weight canvas to avoid the frustration of a fabric melting under your iron.
There's no doubt that stockings are fun to sew for the holidays! Check out this post for some other festive and fun stockings you can sew!
- Main stocking – ¾ yard fabric. Home dec weight will work best but you can use any type of fabric.
- Lining – ¾ yard quilting weight cotton
- Cuff – ½ yard faux shearling or other low pile fur
- ½” twill tape – 6”
- Free pattern - Large Christmas Stocking
All seam allowances ½” unless otherwise stated. RST = Right Sides Together

Sew the main stocking and lining
Place Stocking pieces RST. Sew around sides and bottom. Leave top open.

Clip curves. Turn right side out.

Place Lining pieces RST. Sew around sides and bottom. Leave top open.

Place Lining inside Stocking, wrong sides together, matching side seams. Baste around top with ¼” seam allowance. Zig zag over the raw edge to prevent fraying.

Fold twill tape in half, raw edges together.

Place it on the inside of the stocking, centered across the side seam on the heel side of the stocking, and with raw edges aligned with raw edge of stocking. Baste in place with ¼” seam allowance.

Sew the cuff
Fold Cuff piece in half the short way and with RST. (Folded size will be 9.75” wide x 14” tall.) Sew down the 14” side to create a tube.

Turn right side out and then fold in half with wrong sides together.

Assemble the stocking
Place Cuff inside Stocking, with side seam on Cuff matching the heel seam in the stocking. Sew all the way around.

Flip the cuff out over the raw edge. Your stocking is done!

Hang your large Christmas stocking on the door and fill it with greenery!