Linen and flannel pocket pot holder

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Linen and flannel pocket pot holder

I've been on a linen kick lately.  I've got a nice long scrap left over from a baby wrap I made for a relative several months ago, and I keep coming back to it.  It stays out on my sewing table and calls to me when I'm pulling fabric for a project, "Heyyyy.... how would that look out of LINEN?"

Last week I made a pocket pot holder, and of course I had to use the linen.  It demanded it, really.  The linen coordinated so beautifully with some May Arts printed twill ribbon!  I lined it with a bright flannel for a pop of color and to make the pockets soft against my hands.

I've got a tutorial over at Craft Gossip.  Go there to see how to make it!

Linen and flannel pocket pot holder

Linen and flannel pocket pot holder


Tutorial: Linen & Flannel Pot Holder


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