Felt House Christmas Ornament - Free Pattern

Use my free felt ornament pattern to sew up a sweet little house Christmas ornament!

This post originally appeared on Bombshell Bling.  

Stitch yourself a cozy little Christmas with this felt house Christmas ornament!  The little cottage ornament has a sweet retro feel, with its little chimney and rounded door.  You can stitch one up in an evening, and because it’s all hand stitches you can do it while curled up on the couch watching your favorite Christmas movie.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Free Pattern

I’ve got a free pattern and tutorial for you below!

The little house is made from felt with just a few simple hand stitches – a basic running stitch, a backstitch, a whip stitch, and a French knot.  I used matching thread so if my stitches weren’t perfect it wouldn’t be that noticeable.

Or, if you want to make this a no-sew project, just skip the stitching and glue the pieces in place.

Felt is the perfect fabric for making ornaments! Inexpensive, easy to sew (or glue), and available in a rainbow of colors. See my felt taco ornament tutorial for another cute felt ornament idea.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Free Pattern

Tan felt (for roof)

Light blue felt (for house)

Pink felt (for doors, shutters, and chimney)

White felt (for trim)

Embroidery thread to match all of the felt colors

Fabric glue (optional)

10” narrow ribbon

Freezer paper

Free pattern

Cut your pieces

Cutting small shapes from felt can be tricky, but freezer paper makes it easy as pie.  First, trace the pattern pieces on to freezer paper.  Iron the freezer paper to the backs of your felt, and then cut out all of your shapes.  After your shapes are cut, you can simply peel the freezer paper away.

Assemble the felt house Christmas ornament

Tip:  To keep the pieces from shifting while you’re sewing (especially those tiny pieces!), use a little fabric glue to glue them down first.  Don’t use a whole lot of glue, just enough to hold the pieces in place while you stitch them.

Center the door on the Entry, then stitch in place using a running stitch.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 1

Place the Entry Window on the Entry, just above the Door and centered horizontally.  Stitch in place around all four sides with a back stitch.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 2

In the same thread as the window outline, make a French knot on the door for a doorknob.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 3

Place the Roof across the top of the House.  (Use one of the 2 House pieces you cut out.  The remaining House piece will be added at the end as a backing.)  Stitch across just the bottom of the Roof to secure.  You’ll secure the other three sides of the roof later.  This stitching does not have to be neat because it will get covered with other pieces.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 4

Place the House Trim across the bottom of the Roof, left edges aligned and covering the bottom edge of the roof.  Stitch in place with a running stitch.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 5

Place the Entry at the far right side of the house.  Stitch in place around sides and top with a running stitch, but leave the bottom unstitched.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 6

Place the Entry Trim across the top of the Entry, and then stitch in place with a running stitch.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 7

Center the Window across the Shutters piece.  Stitch in place around the outside of the Window with a backstitch.  Then, backstitch lines across the Window horizontally and then vertically to create windowpanes.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 8

Place the Window/Shutters on the House, centered across the open space to the left of the Entry.  Then, stitch in place around the top, bottom, and outside edges of the Shutter.  Don’t stitch across the window.  (The stitches on the Shutter will be enough to hold it in place.)

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 9

Stitch the Chimney cap to the top of the Chimney with a running stitch.  This is a tiny piece so it will take only a couple of small stitches.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 10

Then, stitch the Chimney on to the roof of the house with a running stitch.  The top of the Chimney will extend past the top of the roof slightly.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 11

Add the remaining House piece to the back of the ornament, then whipstitch in place around the sides.  I used different threads when stitching across the House and Roof pieces so my thread would match the felt.

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Step 12

Finally, take 10” of narrow ribbon and tie into a knot at one end.  Hot glue in place at the back of the ornament.  (If you want the house to hang evenly from the ribbon, place it a little to the right of center.  The Entry makes the right side of the house a little heavier than the left.)

Your cozy little felt house Christmas ornament is done!

Felt House Christmas Ornament - Free Pattern
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