Fabric Lanyard with ID Badge Holder – Tutorial

See how to sew a DIY fabric lanyard with badge holder that’s great for back-to-school!

This post originally appeared on Bombshell Bling.

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This fabric lanyard and badge holder would make a great back-to-school gift for a teacher! I’ve got a tutorial and free pattern for you below.

Fabric Lanyard with ID Badge Holder Sewing Tutorial

And while I created this project with back-to-school time in mind, you don’t have to be a teacher (or student) to appreciate it.  Most workplaces require you wear an ID these days, and it’ always nice to freshen up your lanyard.  I’m not gonna lie and say my own lanyard doesn’t get grungy over time. 

Luckily, it’s easy enough to make a new one!

Fabric Lanyard with ID Badge Holder Sewing Tutorial

Looking for more back-to-school projects? I've got some great back-to-school sewing ideas for you here.

I’ve divided the tutorial into separate sections for the lanyard and the badge holder.  That way if you want to make just one of the pieces, it’s easy to see which supplies you’d need. If you want to make both the lanyard and the badge holder, these are all the supplies you’d need to pick up at the fabric store:

  • 1/4 to 1/2 yard fabric (You’ll need the full width of fabric, so you can’t use a fat quarter. For non-directional fabrics, you can use just 1/4 yard but for directional fabrics you may need 1/2 yard to get all the pieces cut with the print facing the right direction.)
  • 1” swivel hook
  • Pellon Peltex Two Sided Extra Firm Stabilizer – ¼ yard (or large scraps)
  • Clear vinyl – scrap
  • 20mm split ring
  • Glue stick
Fabric Lanyard with ID Badge Holder Sewing Tutorial

Let’s get started!

Fabric Lanyard

Fabric lanyards are super easy to make – and quick, too!  You can make one in 15 minutes!


Quilting cotton – I piece, 3.75” x approx. 44”

1 inch swivel hook

Make the strap

Press the strip of fabric in half lengthwise and with WRONG sides together.

Fabric Lanyard step 1 - pressed in half

Press the sides in to the middle.

Fabric Lanyard step 2 - ends pressed to middle

Then, press the whole thing in half along the middle crease.

Fabric Lanyard step 3 - pressed in half again

Sew down both sides of the strip 1/8” from the edge.  Now you have a long fabric strap!

Fabric Lanyard step 4 - edges sewn

Thread a swivel hook on to the strap.

Fabric Lanyard step 5 - swivel hook threaded on to strap

With the swivel hook still on the strap, and making sure not to twist the strap, bring the ends together (one end on top of the other).  Sew across the ends with a ¼” seam allowance. Sew back and forth several times so it’s good and secure.

I like to slip the lanyard on before I sew the ends together to make sure the strap doesn’t twist when it’s hanging around my neck.

Fabric Lanyard step 6 - strap sewn together at ends

Slide the swivel hook down to the seam.  This is the bottom of your lanyard.

Fabric Lanyard step 7 - swivel hook moved down to seam

Turn the strap inside out so the raw edges of the seam are now on the inside.

Fabric Lanyard step 8 - strap rotated so seam allowance is on the inside

With the swivel hook still down at the seam, sew across the strap roughly ½” from the bottom.

Fabric Lanyard step 9 - sewn above swivel hook

Your fabric lanyard is done!

Badge Holder

The badge holder isn’t hard at all to make, but the assembly is probably a little different than what you’d expect.  But when it all comes together, it’ll feel like magic.


Quilting cotton – large scraps

Pellon Peltex Two Sided Extra Firm Stabilizer – ¼ yard (or large scraps)

Clear vinyl – scrap

20mm split ring

Glue stick

Free pattern – DIY Badge Holder

Make the Tab

Press the Tab fabric in half WRONG sides together.

Badge Holder step 1 - tab pressed in half

Then press the ends to the center.

Badge Holder step 2 - tab edges pressed to middle

Press in half along the crease, then sew down both sides with a 1/8” seam allowance.

Badge Holder step 3 - tab sewn down both sides

Make the badge holder front

Center the Frame Interfacing on the back of the Front Frame fabric.  Glue baste in place but DO NOT FUSE YET.  You need to do a few more steps before you fuse it.

Badge Holder Front step 1 - frame interfacing glued to back of frame fabric

Make diagonal slits from the inside corners of the hole in the center of the Front Frame to the inside corners of the interfacing.

Badge Holder Front step 2 - diagonal slits cut from inside corners to interfacing

Fold the fabric inside the hole over the edges of the interfacing.  Glue in place but DO NOT FUSE YET.  (I missed taking a photo of this step, but you can see it in the photo for the next step.)

Now, fold the outer corners of the Front Frame diagonally over the outer corners of the interfacing.  Glue in place.  DO NOT FUSE YET.

Badge Holder Front step 3 - corners folded over the interfacing

Then, fold the long straight outer sides of the Font Frame over the outer sides of the interfacing.  Glue in place but DON’T FUSE QUITE YET….

Badge Holder Front step 4 - sides folded over interfacing

First, cover with a pressing cloth THEN follow manufacturer’s instructions to fuse the interfacing to the fabric.

Don’t skip the pressing cloth.  There are small spots where the interfacing is exposed (not covered with fabric) which will make a big mess on your iron!

Center the Vinyl Window behind the hole in the Front Frame.  Clip in place.

Badge Holder Front step 5 - plastic clipped in place

Sew around the hole with a 1/8” seam allowance.

I find it’s easiest to sew with the Fabric Frame face up (and the vinyl underneath).  That way the presser foot doesn’t touch the vinyl and cause skipped stitches. 

Badge Holder Front step 6 - inside frame topstitched

Sew across the top of the Fabric Frame with 1/8” seam allowance.  Don’t sew the other edges – you’ll do that in a later step.

Badge Holder Front step 7 - Top edge topstitched

Make the badge holder back

Glue the Back Interfacing to the WRONG side of the Back fabric, 3/8” from the top and centered horizontally.  DO NOT FUSE YET.

Fold the top corners of the Back fabric diagonally over the corners of the Back Interfacing.  Glue in place, but DON’T FUSE.

Badge Holder Back step 1 - top corners folded over interfacing

Fold the top edge of the Back fabric down over the Back Interfacing.  Glue in place. DO NOT FUSE YET.

Badge Holder Back step 2 - top edge folded over interfacing

Thread the split ring on to the Tab.  Fold the ends of the Tab together to make a loop.

Badge Holder Back step 3 - split ring threaded through tab

Place the Tab on the top (folded) edge of the badge holder back, centered horizontally and with 3/8” seam allowance.  The top of the Tab should be facing away from the badge holder back.  Sew in place with ¼” seam allowance.

Badge Holder Back step 4 - Tab sewn to badge holder back

Now, fold the raw edges at the bottom of the sides over to be even with the edges you folded over the Back Interfacing.  Glue in place.

Badge Holder Back step 5 - sides folded over

I don’t know if you can see this in my photo, but I folded the bottom part over just a hair more than what I folded over at the top.  I did this on purpose so I’d have cleaner edges on the finished badge holder.

Fold the entire bottom half of the Back up over the Back Interfacing, tucking in about 3/8” at the top to create a smooth edge.  Glue in place, THEN fuse everything down.

Badge Holder Back step 6 - bottom folded up

Sew across the top of the badge holder back close to the folded edge to secure.

Badge Holder Back step 7 - sewn across top edge

Assemble the badge holder

Place the completed front on top of the completed back, WRONG sides together.  Clip in place.

Badge Holder Assembly step 1- Front and Back clipped together

Sew around the sides and bottom with 1/8” seam allowance, leaving the top open and backstitching at the beginning and end of your seam.

Badge Holder Assembly step 2 - sewn around sides and bottom

Your badge holder is complete!

Put your badge holder on your fabric lanyard and you've got a complete set.

Fabric Lanyard with ID Badge Holder Sewing Tutorial
Fabric Lanyard with ID Badge Holder Sewing Tutorial
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