Slouchy Shirt (and a free pattern)
Have you ever actually worn out a shirt? Not just faded, not just stretched a little, not just out of style - but truly worn out. I’ve done it just a few times in my life.
Just last week I had to retire a favorite shirt. It’s my Slouchy Shirt. I made it 4 years ago and it’s stayed in heavy rotation the whole time. The fabric around the neck is now threadbare, and now at the waistband I can feel little pills of spandex that have wormed their way out of the fabric. It’s truly worn out.
So of course if I had to retire a Slouchy Shirt, that means I should make one to replace it, right? Nope. I made THREE more. That’s how much I love this shirt.
It's super comfortable to wear, but add a long necklace and you look pulled together like you actually put effort into your outfit.
I’ve got a free pattern for it over at Craft Gossip. You can get it here. It’s a women’s size small. If you need another size, it’s a super simple pattern and should be easy enough to adjust to fit.
It’s made from a light to medium weight knit fabric and has an easy fit. It has cut-on sleeves, so no setting in sleeves required.
There’s a waistband at the bottom so it slouches around your hip. The slouching is forgiving of my mom-tummy and also has the added benefit of giving the impression of a tucked-in shirt without actually having to go through the trouble of tucking the shirt in.
Because, seriously, who wants to mess with re-tucking your shirt every time you visit the bathroom? Not this mama.
The neck and arms are finished with fold over elastic. Sometimes I choose to match the color to the shirt. Sometimes I like the contrast.
The fit is very flexible. I’ve gained a good 15-20 pounds since I made the pattern and it still fits me just fine.
The size small takes almost exactly a yard of fabric, so you will need to adjust the yardage requirement if you increase the size.
In case you missed the link above, here it is again:
The Slouchy Shirt Free Pattern at Craft Gossip
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I'm a beginning sewer. I made adjustments to the pattern to fit my measurements and followed your excellent, simple instructions. I thought I'd need to make further modifications (I don't really trust myself yet), but when I tried it on I was DELIGHTED with everything about this top!!! I'm going fabric shopping this afternoon -- clearly I need to make several more! Thanks for the excellent pattern!