A small test but a big milestone

Here's the thing about trying to launch a new project/creative employment while still maintaining your current one.  It happens in bits and spurts.  You push forward, make some progress, and then your paying gig starts requiring more attention, or (God forbid)...

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Pattern testing the OneCardigan by Serger Pepper

I recently had the opportunity to pattern test the new OneCardigan pattern by Serger Pepper.  It’s a girls pattern but it comes up to a size 16, so I was able to test it for my 11-year-old daughter.  I sewed...

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Tutorial: Serged scrap wrap bracelet

I have a hard time throwing away scraps.  I can make a good case for saving my tiny bit of quilting cottons, because I can use them for all kinds of scrappy projects.  But those smaller bits of knit fabrics...

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Pattern testing the Paulina by Itch to Stitch

So I’ve been absent for a couple of weeks… at least from this blog. I’ve been busy, busy, busy behind the scenes.  Building. That word again. I’ve been playing around in my studio and have a couple of tutorials planned. ...

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Dreams of houses

Two days into 2015 and I’ve had two dreams of houses. In both, I’m a young 20-something single person leaving my mother’s home and striking out on my own. One of my friends told me that having this dream twice...

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My One Word for 2015

So my friend Laurie turned me on to One Word. The idea is to choose one word - just one little word - to be your focus for the coming year. (Read her post about the word she chose here.)...

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FREE PATTERN - The Crazy Cat Lady Christmas tree

**This post was edited to add the free pattern. Read on for the free pattern download!** It was getting close to Thanksgiving when I started thinking about Christmas decorations. It's hard not to, every store is often piled high with...

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